Service Level Agreement (SLA)

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Africana Solutions offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee via this Service Level Agreement based on network and host node availability. Collectively, these guarantees may be referred to as the “SLA.” This SLA is provided as a supplement to the Terms of Service You agreed to in becoming a Africana Solutions customer, which is hereby incorporated by reference as an indispensable part of this SLA.

This uptime guarantee is applicable on a per-service-item basis and is not applied to Your entire invoice. This uptime guarantee does not apply to the accessibility of Africana Solutions’s web property, DNS servers, API, or control panel.


The uptime guarantee ONLY applies to network and instance availability during normal operation. The uptime guarantee does NOT apply to server-side software uptime. Any outage due to server software, operating systems, improper configurations, denial of service attack against your instance, instance suspension, instance paused/halted for any reason, or any other non-network or non-“host node” outage, for any reason and whether or not such outage is caused by Us due to upgrading, troubleshooting or performing any other tasks, is not subject to this uptime guarantee. The guarantee does NOT apply when a scheduled maintenance occurs with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hour notice or in the event a time critical patch/update must be applied as long as the outage/packetloss does not exceed thirty (30) minutes.